AMERICA: THE NEXT NAZI GERMANY Unwarranted searches, waiver of due process, confiscation of firearms, secret police, national ID card, excessive or no bail, presumed guilt, detainment without formal charges, engineered emergencies (the “War on Drugs”
Published on May 27, 2004 By joeyblong In Welcome

Unwarranted searches, waiver of due process, confiscation of firearms, secret police, national ID card, excessive or no bail, presumed guilt, detainment without formal charges, engineered emergencies (the “War on Drugs” and the “War on Terrorism”) as pretexts to declaring martial law. Read The Rise And Fall Of The Third Reich.

on May 27, 2004
While I think equating Nazi Germany and todays America is drawing a long bow, I have heard more than one person - and the latest was John Dean, former Nixon advisor - say that the biggest threat to democracy within the US are the laws brought in as a response to the 'war on terrorism.'
on Aug 04, 2004
This is an interesting topic, and I find it easy to understanmd this point of view. However Hitler's reign was the biggest genocide the world had seen, and the world promised themselves a reoccurance, was impossible. But who do we trust? George Bush? Unlikely! but as the war in Iraq continues, I ask weather or not war monger George Bush can prevent himself. I found a site that said "Saddam Hussein challenged George Bush to a debate, The Butcher of Baghad vs. The butcher of the English language."- but your findings are fantastic and I'd love to read more about them!!
on Nov 11, 2004
To elaborate: Hitler burned the German congress (the Reichstag) and blamed it on the communists. As a result, the German "people" gave Hitler carte blanche to "handle" the situation any way he wanted. He rammed through the Enabling Act which suspended civil liberties and began stocking the cattle cars with those he didn't like and those who opposed him.

Baby Doc (GW Bush) destroyed the WTC and blamed it on "terrorists." Then he rammed through "PATRIOT" Acts I and II. This effectively negated the U.S. Bill of Rights. Just as confiscation of property and presumed guilt became commonplace in the "War on (Freedom) Drugs", unwarranted searches and disappearances without habeas corpus will become commonplace in the "War on (Freedom) Terrorism."

All the amerinazis who argued that confiscation of property -- before the defendant was even found guilty -- would be limited to the "War on (Freedom) Drugs", the proponents of "PATRIOT" Acts I and II argue that the Acts' abuses will be limited to the "War on (Freedom) Terrorism."

But we know from experience that confiscation of property (presumed guilt) has become common practice across the (legal) board.

In Jesus' Glorious and Holy name,
Dean Berry
REAL American
on Dec 19, 2005
I found an excellent resource on the web regarding Nazi projects in America today. This site has a very good list which includes a section linking US government officials with Neo Nazis and other right wing extremist. It also has an article which showed Cick Cheney and Arnold Shwartznegger in a very nice restaurant having dinner with a convicted felon who is a very weird and low class guy in the Aryan nations, it's really weird.